It seems honorable and scriptural and logical and natural to attribute all things to the sovereign will of God. How can any created thing exert authority over its creator? How can anything in this world happen beyond His knowledge or allowance or impetus? And if we have any doubt of that, there are plenty of verses to support these assertions. However, at the same time that we affirm God's rightful place on His throne, we often act and feel otherwise, as if, despite his omnipotence and omnipresence, He could use some human or angelic help from time to time. We hold prayer vigils, as if the quantity or fervency of our prayers can change God's mind or twist His arm. Does the arm of God need twisting? Does God need to be informed? We talk of a spiritual battle, but how can there be a battle if everything happens according to plan? If nothing happens beyond God's will, Satan and his demons are servants of that will, as are our sinful actions. All things, seemingly good or evil, work together for God's ultimate purpose. But if that is true, should we feel sorry for our sins? Should we ask forgiveness, as if our actions could be independent and contrary to His will? And if our actions are truly free, how can God be truly sovereign? Take it one step further. If we are free to sin, then my neighbor is also free to sin, which means he can come over to my house and murder my children in their beds, and maybe God won't stop him. Does God intervene in the free actions of men? Does he have a sliding scale for when He intervenes and when He doesn't? Would He allow me to lie and steal, but not murder? That's a lot of questions and conjecture. This is an issue over which the church has splintered, an issue that informs our perceptions of the character and power of God. Therefore it is an important issue, which is why we have these conversations. Let me offer a few thoughts and I will be eager to hear yours. The use of sovereignty is up to the sovereign. God has demonstrated that He can do what He wants when He wants and how He wants. He has ultimate authority over His creation. His sovereignty, however, is bound by His character. A selfish sovereign may create lesser beings to live for nothing but to ingratiate his ego. He would create servants to do his bidding, He would create an enemy with no hope of victory, and He would demand worship and confessions from fragile, error-prone beings. A selfish sovereign would control everything, allowing no true freedom to his subjects for fear of sharing glory. It would be like a man who wanted to be a successful filmmaker, so he built an army of robots to watch his film, applaud, and give rave reviews. He also programed some negative critics whom he could scold and dismantle later. Win. Win. An apathetic sovereign might create something, then become distracted and leave the creation to itself. We could have a sovereign God and also have evolution. A loving sovereign would create free creatures, both spiritual and physical, in order to have genuine relationships with them. That would allow for true rebellion, but also for true redemption. Of course this God can intervene if absolutely necessary (harden hearts, bend wills, send prophets), but generally allow men and spirits to make their own choices and deal with the consequences. There are drawbacks to such a system---senseless deaths, abuse, insanity, corrupt governments, unspeakable atrocities---but also great advantages. Is freedom worth the price we pay? Or is freedom an illusion?
Just saying "Prayer doesn't change God, but changes us" shows the right perspective, I believe.
I wonder if we understood more, who we are, as humans, in respect to God's role as, well, GOD, we might be closer in our thinking about sovereignty/free will.
I often wonder how other cultures that are not democracies think about this issue. How much we think is Christianity, but is really American. I wonder if people in Monarchies, or Communist countries say "that's not fair" or take second thoughts before saying "How COULD You let this happen?!" to God. They would be used to an authority having the final say. They would be used to respect, reverence, not asking "why" all the time, knowing that their higher authority might just not like their tone and decide they don't need their heads anymore.
I'm not comparing God to an earthly king, or communism, I'm just pointing out that our way of thinking about sovereignty/free will might be a little different if we were used to a different kind of authority in our daily lives.
The confusion about God's sovereignty lies in the belief that God created this world. God created us and we therefore possess God's attributes, mainly the ability to create. True creation extends from the creator's mind and since the Creator is an infinite and eternal Being His creations are infinite and eternal.
Observing the world around us we come to realize that nothing we observe has any permanency, and can thus not be a creation of God. What God creates is permanent because He cannot create impermanence.
Being Children of God we have the ability to create wrongly, a power which the Creator can not tamper with because He would be diminishing Himself, which He cannot do. We are a part of God and He cannot change what He is and thus cannot change us. What we are doing here on this earth is hiding from God within the illusion of a world that we claim no responsibility for creating. This is the way we hide from who we really are and thus are able to hide from God.
The best way I get through this paradoxical thought is just believing God does everything for His Name's sake. His Name is LORD, LORD GOD, Merciful, Gracious, Longsuffering, Abundant in Goodness, Abundant in Truth, Preserver of Bountifulness, Forgiver of Iniquities, Forgiver of Transgressions, Forgiver of Sins and Just Judge. THINK on how God has been these things in your life. He has been merciful (held back what you deserve; punishment for breaking His Law). He has been gracious (given what you didn't deserve; good things for bad behavior). He has been longsuffering (suffered long with your sinful behavior and not smashed you like a bug). He has been abundant in goodness EVERY day of your life, providing you breath, a right mind and ANY other thing you can think of to be grateful for. Go down the list; God's Name is amazing and He does EVERYTHING for His Name's sake. His name is His nature. He owes it to Himself to make His Name known to His creation. That is why He made us; to make His Name known. This life is NOT about us and how many of these we can obtain or how much of that we can acquire. Our life is not our own; we were bought with a price. Our life is for one reason alone; TO MAKE HIS NAME KNOWN. If that is not to your liking then get in line with Lucifer who felt the same way. We are all in the same boat with a luciferic nature in us to go our own way. However, God sent His only begotten son to take our place and pay a debt He did not owe so we could live and be freed from our sin and not be rightly judged and punished. Thank God for Jesus who paid the price. We have freedom of choice to do what we want. God has a Master Plan and Purposive Will which He set in motion before we even existed. We will be put in circumstances which are beyond our control and we will fail from time to time. WHAT WE DO after falling is most important. God's word says give thanks for ALL things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning YOU. Pray (talk with God), ask forgiveness for what you did and ask for mercy to not do it again. We are God's children. We are challenged to see who we want to love and obey for all eternity. Will we choose the one who created us or choose another. God delights in those who choose Him. He still loves those who choose against Him, but that is okay. Eventually, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father. Again, we come to a place where we don't exactly agree with how this works, but we don't have a choice in the matter. We must just trust and obey our Heavenly Father for what He is doing. HE sees the BIG picture where we only see what finite beings can see. To God be ALL the glory. Everything belongs to Him. Think about a natural king and how a monarchy works. Be thankful our Heavenly King is not like many earthly kings of past. God bless.
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